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Hey im a bit stuck in chapter 3 i placed the 3 charged balls at the gate where the key is but im not sure how to get into the glowing green tunnel to get to the key passed the gate

If all 3 batteries are in the slots at the gate then the gate should open, though if you died all the batteries are going to be reset so maybe it’s that?

Yeah i died but i can still go back grab the balls charge them all at the charging station and bring them into the 3 empty 3 slots at the gate but the gate wont open

Hmm alright thanks, i'll investigate that


I played it in the Dread X Collection, and I was so impressed that I was really hoping for a standalone release! I re-bought it here and I'm happy I did, it has been fantastic as the first time. One of the most stilish and original horror games ever, also one of the creepiest, highly recommended to everyone!

Hell yeah, thank you man, I appreciate it :)